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Vectors and Vectors by Raisinghania Article about the mathematics behind the vector analysis process, with practical applications for engineering and science. This article explores how vectors and vector analysis can be used for engineering and science. There is an itemized list of commonly used vectors, as well as a list of terms that are important to know for those who are new to vector analysis methods. Lastly, this article also lists methods that will help guide students on how they can learn more about this method as well as practice using it themselves.This text discusses the mathematical process of vector analysis which is useful for engineers and scientists analyzing designs or new products. A "vector" is a set of points in space joined in a single object. Geometric illustrations are used in the article to help students visualize this process. A "vector" can be considered as a directed line between two points. This is an important concept that should be understood by readers studying this article, since it is necessary to understand that when working with vectors, directionality must also be taken into account.After introducing these concepts, the main part begins with examples using vector analysis to solve problems in terms of speed, acceleration, distance traveled and power consumed by engines or motors. The example problems all require the use of analogies to physics equations for moving objects. Several more of these problems are then presented. A particular example relates force of gravity (Fg) to the acceleration (a) of an object in free fall under gravitational force. This is important because students can apply this formula to determine the specific force of gravity on an object on Earth, Mars, Venus or any other celestial body using the standard gravitational formula for objects in free fall.After introducing vectors and vector analysis, this article has given some applications for the reader to consider in terms of their chosen field. This article is part of a series called "Engineering Myths...Busted!" on Raisinghanias. com. This article contains the following important information:1. Vector analysis is used to determine direction of objects in space.2. Matter (force, energy) goes where it is directed (vector).3. Vector analysis can be used to model reality problems with ease and clarity. However, it requires some knowledge, math skills and time to learn all the concepts involved in solving these problems using vector analysis methods.4. Most engineers don't have proper background knowledge of what could be considered as vector analysis techniques, so they have trouble solving these problems using their brains alone. Vector analysis is also used in mathematics, physics, engineering and science.1. Vector analysis is not an exact science so it cannot be used to analyze every situation. 2. It is very time consuming to learn how to use vector analysis since it requires lots of practice and understanding so that the user may be able to solve problems where "lucky guesses" would never work. The important thing about vector analysis is that it can save engineers very time much needed to boost profits in the company or business because mechanical engineers just need time much less than other engineers that produce products or designs for products.3. cfa1e77820